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it explains itself but nobody understands it

according to some, a certain very important person would have been on a famous island owned by a man to check what was happening. whoever says this leaves out the fact that these two men have been seen together several times since the nineties. what is repeatedly done to innocent souls is countered with speeches without actions, while those who are desperate put photos on milk cartons. in the meantime they parade them, in front of applauding puppets, in absurd competitions. i am not religious, but probably something bad and inhuman exists. otherwise they get away with it because they are simply considered sick. omegle did not teach. azar is confirming. everyone knows there is another internet. they know what's going on. no one's stopping it. the list of those two men is infinitely shorter and probably less disgusting than the list of the hidden internet. we sink into shit and you still mistake it for chocolate. how bitter.

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