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in an era in which, on average, we were all saner, a few pixels (even non-colored ones) were enough to transport us to truly profound emotions. now they can't even do it with things like 4k and ray tracing.

we used to be protagonists, now we are spectators.

let's wake up

or we will be like expired products in supermarkets


open netflix and not knowing what to choose

too much choice paradox
what are we waking up to?
both openai and nvidia are making statements that developments in AI are accelerating.
tech companies are hiring fewer managers, developers are changing how they code.
mass computation and machine learning will allow for massive automation within the knowledge worker economy.
industrialization and internal combustion allowed for massive automation within the agriculture economy.
what is left of modernity? even the grounding principles of post-modernity were inherently human.
alien life will soon evolve on earth. our planet and our place in it will be shared.
post human.
precisely because people have always been lulled by comfort, now we have less and less hope. but giving up is unfair. we are immensely more and with greater capabilities than those money-eating giants. we just need to stop being zombies and give power to those who have none, who extort it from us in a soft way with non-durable material rewards. instead of being fooled by the pseudo philosophy of the here and now, which doesn't care about the future (thus leaving it at the mercy of those who profit from our skin)
there is only now. always has been, always will be. we build a society of speculative investment (of work) into future welfare (leisure). hopefully we have good society. the outcome is half chance, and depends on mutual trust; whether you're a money eating giant, or a powerless zombie exhorter. when two people that speak different languages meet, they make gestures, point, smile, and simplify. when two billion people that speak different languages meet, they destroy the world. one day soon ai will make us all speak the same language. when that happens, you're going to see some serious shit.

new age seem more like new world ecc..

you speak like someone that lost almost the totality of his humanity and surrender to the metaverse shit.
in the meantime, the real world continue to collapse: with everybody just consume.

something people, also who think that are rich just because have a lot of paper call money, seems to forget: the more you consume, the less remain.
and youre existence is no more important than a commercial product.

the so called wealthy are not immortal e they dont see it.

dont seem to be another planet.

so whats the point (with everyone think to itself destroying the others)

at this point, probably, nothing.
unless we left this world and maybe theres other.

so it will be smart to join forces in preparation to what will be instead of become puppets in the hands of puppets that think that are puppetters
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thanks..but..in which sense? tell me more!
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