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I love anonimity here because it lends to nonchalance. I can comment without worrying about my profile having any kind of consistence and that is a relaxing and warm feeling

also participating with other anons in a non violent way, makes the world feel better

thank you

Many thanks to you!
That's exactly what Discuo is all about!
No, AI with NLP tooling and skills will reveal the identity of all of us. In 12.5 years, roughly extrapolated, your neighbors will not greet you as usual and than you know that they know. Better be nice to people here..
I will be dead by then anyway, so I can tell the truth. Nonchalance stuff, as you call it.
God, I hate it when my neighbors get mad at me for trying to have a nuance discussion in some random forum the decade before...

In all seriousness, unless you're planning to blow up government buildings or something like that, I don't see how this anonymity isn't enough. Could you explain?
I would agree. There is no perfect safety, anonymity or whatever is the most important in any case. Just because of that fact, it boils down to the acceptable level for the purpose.

Now comes the hard part: to tell the level needed and the level provided. Seriously, I cannot tell. If I think about how technology evolved and how fast things can turn into 1984.

But to the rescue, you are right: indeed there is common sense and it is only a question if mental stability if someone needs to plan for blowing up something, let alone choosing this platform for this. Understanding of acceptable behavior seems to be more universal to peaple than different counties state in their laws.

So in short: here be fun n stuff, but harmless even if hypothetically revealed real names. Fuck Trump and Putin. And your Mother..
once upon a time cyberspace was a virtual world and user adopted an alternate identity like a superhero
then we taught mom how to facebook and that was the end of play time.
Nah. Nobody I know used their real names with Facebook even back then. We are the last clever generation..
Could be that 2 invites (1 friend even accepted) is not statistically relevant to prove my point, but I would say you where using the Internet WRONG. Sorry, no sorry!
> We are the last clever generation

Said every generation ever. Just for curiosities sake, what generation are you from?
Depends what counts for you. I look like 25, but I am still happy about the erection I got by this morning out of nowhere. It's not happening so often anymore.. glad I could even tell somebody now! Feels about right.
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