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I am building myself an instrument in a forked version of Orca

Hi there,

I am building an instrument in an esoteric programming language called Orca (https://git.sr.ht/~rabbits/orca). Orca is a super neat 2D, live programming environment. The attached image is my implementation of a melodic synth that can play single notes, chords, and arpeggio at 1/16 resolution. It is semi-tone based which is not an original idea, but I stole it from here: https://alelouis.eu/blog/programming-chords-with-orca/

If you look at the attached image, you'll notice, compared to the above links, my melodic synth has longer operators, that's because I hacked in two-character X/Y arguments and to the math operators. Two character addressing in base 36 gives me up to 1296x1296 offsets allowing me to address memory much further away. It gives so much more space.

I also hacked in some other quality of life changes as well to the slide operation. The marked cells referenced by read/write operators are actually sticky and can be moved with a slide, and it will update the offsets for the operator. The obverse is true, too. Moving the operators by slide will also not move the marked cell and update the offsets. This makes building larger computations and the data it is linked to much easier to arrange. And it saves so much time and brain power by not having to do base 36 math and updating the offsets by hand.

Orca is pretty neat. Can recommend.

Post image
that's awesome!
I have no experience in programming or music but this looks cool to try.
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