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sleep paralysis is a sign of pre astral travel, in my opinion and my experience. we feel the body but it doesn't react to us. as if we were detaching ourselves but still too attached.

can you induce your paralysis via progressive muscle relaxation meditation? before my first astral experience, experiencing that type of transition while conscious (instead of coming to it from unconsciousness) helped me memorize the path out of the corporal plane and body.
there are definitely different methods. what i discovered, interesting and effective, is the use of repetitive sounds (like they use in the east). using either real instruments or just enough technology, you can indulge in something immense and mostly unexplored. sound frequencies are practically infinite and subjective. to summarize my journey in a few words, i discovered bull of heaven while playing minecraft; then i found paulstretch. but there are also a myriad of very stimulating ethnic instruments. the virtual world distracts us and sucks us in. technology could be useful but it is replacing us. our place is outside the walls; not in front of screens, but savoring nature. escape from the net (too complicated to explain and i am psychologically exhausted). we need more than anything concrete human relationships instead of digital relationships that are less and less credible. i have never been a social type but, for the "little" i have experienced on the internet, now enough. almost everything that is in this chaos, mostly has negative effects. or, at best, entertains us. exactly: it keeps us from being free. from being...human. you run away too, whoever you are, I hope so. we are all one. those who have selfishly forgotten, screw them (they don't realize it in any way anyway). those who understand, even a little, are always in time.

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