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Is anyone else feeling increasingly "post-political"?

The frenzy of the last 15 years has left me absolutely exhausted. I'm sick of how everything has been politicized: hobbies, movies, games, diet choices, sports, work, religion etc. I'm starting to get a reflexive avoidance reaction whenever anything political or ideological is brought up. It seems like a huge waste of time and an emotions that has very little benefit for the vast majority of people.

It's tough for me because I see friends and loved ones that get caught up in these things and it ends up dominating their life to an incredible degree. I just wish people were as passionate about doing good work or creating things as they are about the twitter argument of the day or the latest hysteria on social media.

people b ecome addicted to their feelings, and these addictions are exploited by algorithms (because humans exploiting humans is unethical). unfortunately these products are addictive and should come with surgeon general warnings.
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Yeah. So this is the basic centrist position, a.k.a. "I just want to grill".

The current status quo is pretty good for many of us, so you can afford to be tired of it all and to not give a shit. But that's because people before us fought pretty hard for the current system. So that's why people care about politics. If you don't, someone else will, and it will end up mattering a while later over the long run.

You really don't have to care, just walk away, it's fine. People who directly benefit from politics will take care of caring about it for you.
I get the sentiment. More than politics I'm tired of people pushing every topic towards an "us vs them" mentality or not caring to really listen to the other party, but just to prove themselves right.

I think just disengaging from politics is tricky, though. If you just stop paying attention, that allows other to have more control over what happens in the real world.

I think it's fine to disengage from "online" politics and try to make actual positive change in the places closest to you where you can have the biggest effect
The problem is politics these days in America are like sports. You can root for one team or the other in the game, and whether or not you like the whole team, it is what you have to choose. Not just that, but with the political parties being "teams," they choose their "players" (politicians), and withhold funds from them if the candidates don't agree with all of the points of the party. Then the people have to choose between the ideas of two parties, not what they truly want.
I can't ignore it because we're now so militarized it's a few steps from being mobilized to trenches. Duh.
Not a chance. The reason the West always gets other people to fight its wars is because we won't.

The reason there's no meaningfully positive political change is because we're all mostly comfortable. If the warmongers try to pull a Ukraine in a Western nation they'd be more likely to get a civil war than a slave army to go play with.
It’s important to not let what you cannot control dominate your life. Don’t let politics and the news inhibit your ability to have an enjoyable and successful life.
I feel the same. Before I used to care too much what happened in the world and now as long as there is a roof over my head and food on the table - I am satisfied
Checkout out the solarpunk ideology- it's tongue in check description is that it's become so mainstream to be politically/environmental disillusioned that now it's punk to be an optimist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solarpunk
Yep. Like I care about politics but the constant encroachment of them into random bullshit just makes my brain turn off, is hard to tell apart nothing news from actually know important info. It's hard to care when half the politics you hear are so random jack on Twitter.
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