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Continuing thread from North American Union thoughts?
> there is no poor vs rich involved here.

It's really sad you don't realize this. One would have think the recent assassination would at least made people read a bit more, but sadly not.

> obviously what the US needs is a healthcare version of an army.

Obviously what the US needs is to look at any other Western country, and copy their healthcare. It really is that simple. Remove the massive amount of gains shareholders and executives can earn by letting people be sick, and you'll find the system fixing itself really quickly.

Of course, there are massive misinformation campaigns out there trying to get people to focus on any other alternative, something you seem to have fallen for as well, and since they have massive pockets, it seems they're succeeding hard.
we're saying the same thing. you destroy excess profits with subsidized competition. public sector is designed to eliminate excess private sector profits. let the two service delivery models compete. each is highly adapted to specific healthcare domains (i.e. trauma - public / research - private). functionally, the US this system already with all trauma facilities treating all patients regardless of payment status. made it official by moving trauma care outside of private insurance schemes and make everyone happy.