One Last Round Of Suggestions
I am sorry for the borderline spam at this point, but I have one last round of suggestions for the website today. first, when entering text, I find the box too small for larger posts. It covers three lines of text at most, and when writing longer posts, I find myself scrolling up and down constantly to edit and add parts. This is just my opinion, but I find auto resizing text to be finnicky and I suggest a way to toggle between sizes of text boxes to type in. A smaller one that makes it easy to access the text formatting guide, and a larger one for writing long posts or replies. Second, the character limit is far too restrictive. This website is designed with the formatting of a forum, where large posts and replies are used, rather than a chat platform like discord, which also has a 2000 character limit. From what I have read (correct me if this is wrong), this website started out as a way to share code. Sharing code often takes up lots of characters and can be a hassle with a small character limit. This post alone is already over half of the character limit. With all this being said, I love how versatile Discuo is. The forum style formatting (which I am a big fan of) is great for sharing large amounts of information, while quality of life features such as the ability to spin off threads, make a great way of propagating discussions and conversations even on topics that have moved on in a way most forums cannot. In my opinion, the text editor is just currently designed for the quicker conversations with shorter messages. Thank you for allowing me to provide feedback, and I can't wait to see how this website evolves!