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One Last Round Of Suggestions

I am sorry for the borderline spam at this point, but I have one last round of suggestions for the website today. first, when entering text, I find the box too small for larger posts. It covers three lines of text at most, and when writing longer posts, I find myself scrolling up and down constantly to edit and add parts. This is just my opinion, but I find auto resizing text to be finnicky and I suggest a way to toggle between sizes of text boxes to type in. A smaller one that makes it easy to access the text formatting guide, and a larger one for writing long posts or replies. Second, the character limit is far too restrictive. This website is designed with the formatting of a forum, where large posts and replies are used, rather than a chat platform like discord, which also has a 2000 character limit. From what I have read (correct me if this is wrong), this website started out as a way to share code. Sharing code often takes up lots of characters and can be a hassle with a small character limit. This post alone is already over half of the character limit. With all this being said, I love how versatile Discuo is. The forum style formatting (which I am a big fan of) is great for sharing large amounts of information, while quality of life features such as the ability to spin off threads, make a great way of propagating discussions and conversations even on topics that have moved on in a way most forums cannot. In my opinion, the text editor is just currently designed for the quicker conversations with shorter messages. Thank you for allowing me to provide feedback, and I can't wait to see how this website evolves!

You're giving genuine suggestions and explaining why they could be useful. I wouldn't call that spamming, I think that's the purpose of the board. Plus having each suggestion as it's own topic allows others to chime in and contrast opinions or add to the topic.

Personally, I haven't had issues with resizing the box to write bigger comments. But I can see how a small box by default could encourage people to write shorter messages or how it could be more cumbersome to write on mobile. I wouldn't oppose with increasing the default size.

I do agree that perhaps including the formatting guide at the top of the box could be useful, since the text box expands downwards. It would make it easier to glance at it without having to scroll down
Thanks for all your suggestions, they're really relevant! I'll take your feedback into account and when I've updated I'll come back here to let you know!
About the character limit. I'm not sure yet if it's a good or bad thing.

One the one hand, I do agree it could limit people from fully expressing their ideas as they want to, and also that it could lead people towards shorter, more casual posts with perhaps less thought put into them. (Like twitter)

On the other hand, though, I also think that being able to summarize your thoughts into clear digestible chunks is a good practice and helps with reaching people. If the focus of the site is to have discussions, perhaps it's good thing to emphasize shorter, more concrete back and forth exchanges.

For instance, I decided to split my comment into two smaller ones because I think it could help with more granular discussion of each point. What do you think of that as a "solution" for the character limit?
I think maybe as a solution, the character limit could be increased to 3000 or 4000 for normal posts, and for guides, rants, and really long posts, there can be dropdown/spoiler boxes such as those on forums such as GBAtemp and the KSP forums. There should be no character limit inside those collapsible boxes. That way, you can store long amounts of text inside a box, but it is collapsed by default to avoid spammers and fit more conversation on a page.
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