im probably a cis male with a freak kink but fuck it imma be a woman
i get jealous of trans women and wish i could be a real woman like them but im not but i wish i could be so fuck it imma transition as a cis male. i think i might be transexual and cisgender is that even fucking possible? you know what fuck it who cares.
I get it means he doesn't experience disphoria or identify as a woman, he just wants too look as one. His drive to transition is different.
this is some tsf logic right here
No, you're not going to be a woman. You may look like one (not likely). But you won't BE a women, EVER. It's just not possible.
Question, let's say OP answers "Sure, I'll never BE a woman. I'll get surgery anyways because I want to."
Would you disapprove his decision regardless of the term used? Or is your focus more on "using the right words"?
Because I get from the post that he doesn't identify as a woman and says he doesn't care about being one or not
> Would you disapprove his decision regardless of the term used?
Yes I would. You're mutilating your healthy body for a kink. I'd say go to a shrink, work out, make new friends, be healthy and don't do that. The potential for regret is big and there's no turning back from this. Read a few stories of people who have "transitioned" and regretted it. It's just not worth it.
Thumbs up for the warning, the issue is real. There are people out there that really fucked it up. Could be undetect d mental health issues or just because dysfunctional sex life, as is a risk to take. But I miss your acknowledgement to the majority of trans, who just found the way to have a happy life like I would also wish you to have. Would not argue if you disagree here, as those people don't care if you or me agree and indeed, didn't even have to ask us for approval. Seems we live in a not so bad world, after all.
Just a small chance they could be affected by constantly being faced all over the place with how other people without divergent sexual identity think they would act. Just be normal, isn't too hard...
Perfectly fine! Just do it (with a small catch later on to explain)!.
We all tend to categorize in that personal area more than it needs for any argument - despite it is not even affecting most. It really comes down to the number of categories someone can tell apart that makes it possible to be "tolerant" or not.
So what? Could be just somebody else's problem to test that. but not yours right?
Still need words to describe? Call it lesbian trans-man or even put semi-bi in between. The inverse of gayfag, also..
But I personally think it seems we need to have a "standard" to align ourself, because sexuallity and persona is fragile. Really.
So that's the catch: I would not transition in your case just because of it. It is new, fun and a lot of reasons only you can tell. Play around, fuck around and what not but just take your time and test it through before doing permanent changes to your body.. Sometimes it is the fantasy more than anything else and you just don't know. It's very ok to just find out..
Btw, I would not label myself anyrhing but had a dick in my ass once or twice and fucking enjoyed it for what it is. Not question myself for being horny and adventurous.
Wish you the best.
I'm pro free speech but can we keep tranny shit off the front page? It's everywhere on 4chan and reddit and twitter and facebook and the media and everywhere else. Is there a way for users to block faggot content or nah? I'm not against fags but fucking christ mang can we have ONE space without this shit?