It's cool how fast this website is evolving and help test it. I hope more users join and it is an active place of discussion.
Thanks for participating, and all the suggestions have already helped the site a lot!
Let's try to gather as many humans as possible!
Another idea, although this one might be tricky to implement, is a reaction system. Not an upvote/like/internet point system, as that might take away from the distraction free environment, but a kind of system where you can "thumbs up" or "laugh with" a post without having to type out a reply to the message, similar to reactions in text messaging. However, I understand if this is not a good idea as it may go against the design choices or simply text based nature of this website. If it can be implemented in a way that benefits the website, that would be cool, but if not, it is totally fine.
Replying to my own comment, a way to edit your messages (while in the same session as you commented it, not if you close the website or clear cookies, whichever one resets your session), would be cool.