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Continuing thread from Users Online Display
Replying to my own comment, a way to edit your messages (while in the same session as you commented it, not if you close the website or clear cookies, whichever one resets your session), would be cool.
I'm definitely going to think about a reaction system. I really like the idea, but I need to find something that goes with discuo!
As for editing comments during the same session, I understand! I'll add it to my list of things to work on!
Thank you!
(Same person here) I have been thinking about it, and I am not sure that a reaction system would be a good idea. I was reading in an older thread here about the the concept of anonymous+ephemeral posting taking taking the focus off of building a reputation, and of posting replies for reaction rather than discussion. While I prefer posts to last so information can be accessible, I think a reaction system might hurt the intent of the design for Discuo. Lastly, my suggestion was made before I fully knew how to use the reply feature. Sorry for the trouble, and feel free to disregard this suggestion if reactions are a good addition to the platform, as this is all opinion.
It's something I'll have to think about, yes, and if anyone else is reading this, please don't hesitate to give your opinion :)