So basically you've made livejournal/hn comments imageboard :) I like it but you should definitely add /b/ for the folks
these friends have been there for some really tough times. but now i'm a little scared of wasting so much time in the weekends. how do i make sure i can still hang out with them, but without getting blacked out drunk? Is this usefull compiler idea? I tried to create one Note: documentation is poor. Main and first implementation: I tried other implementations and in other...
I have an idea of creating a website where users can curate websites. Others can see curations. Later recommendation engines can be added to make like youtube but for websites. As a start I just used Hacker News links as starting point. Here is the website:
"A tripcode is the hashed result of a password that allows one's identity to be recognized without storing any data about users. Entering a particular password will let one "sign" one's posts with the tripcode generated from that password."
A visual representation of a certain category would be good for users to identify and differentiate other categories.
I don't know about you guys, but in my firefox browser, the font size in this website seems really small for me, and I gotta need to zoom, or either inject a script :(
What's everyone's basic stack for real production computer vision projects? What's different when comparing to the state of the art in published venues like conferences and journals.
I wanted this board to be about the 3DFX SLI tech from the late 1990s.
What are the best Swift/SwiftUI courses, learning platforms, videos?
Hi there, I am building an instrument in an esoteric programming language called Orca ( Orca is a super neat 2D, live programming environment. The attached image is my implementation of a melodic synth that can play single notes, chords, and arpeggio at 1/16 resol...
I use zsh but I'm not married to it, I think it's a bit fancy for my taste. I script for dash.
I promise to spend them on bettering myself in 2025. bc1qlwpj8t4yhfl25jz47d2ufv08wg8th8tkwxfymq
Not necessarily your favorite game, but the one you would recommend the most to someone else.
It’s a tile placement score chase game that looks like Civ and plays like a more complex version of Dorfromantik.