Hoover and Dulles did not conspire with the New Orleans and Texas mafias that lost a lot of money from losing Cuba. Johnson was not installed by them after they all killed JFK in Dallas to ramp up the war in Vietnam. Johnson was not a "party boss" who basically rigged his elections to win with the h...
Apart from using the phone as a glorified picture frame with the sigil of a demon on display, or playing relevant music, etc, does anyone use computers/phones in an active manner during occult ritual? Active in this case means something like it being part of the ritual or used as a tool directly...
A write-up of the implantation of my xG3 bio-magnet
sleep paralysis is a sign of pre astral travel, in my opinion and my experience. we feel the body but it doesn't react to us. as if we were detaching ourselves but still too attached.
in an era in which, on average, we were all saner, a few pixels (even non-colored ones) were enough to transport us to truly profound emotions. now they can't even do it with things like 4k and ray tracing. we used to be protagonists, now we are spectators. let's wake up or we will be like...
everybody think to itself instead of get unite to make something better for all we live in the pseudo reality where someone attack something useful for everyone (Archive)
it still is my favorite VN after reading 50+ other titles. I highly recommend it to anyone that can read Japanese.
according to some, a certain very important person would have been on a famous island owned by a man to check what was happening. whoever says this leaves out the fact that these two men have been seen together several times since the nineties. what is repeatedly done to innocent souls is countered...
Has anyone heard this wonderful album yet? Punk x Sea Shanty is a match made in heaven but the punk element isn't overdone, it just sounds perfect. My favorite tracks are probably Roll Northumbria or Shiloh
I watched 1 episode of dandadan, it edgy. I couldn't resist but to watch girls curves. But is it any deep further? I like to entertained but if I spend my time on something without meaning it is me who losses the edge.
title says evreything! i can't REALLY define this!
I just want to activate the category. Tell here your favorite comic hero?
post your favourite recipes! (post images of you trying to make them too)
I personally learned them with our own class (made by ourselves) and not those of the std::
One day discuo might reach 100K more unique users, and images will be flooding all over the website itself. Would it be nice to have an option to blur/censor explicit content or something similar?