How to get a random number in Solidity.
Best gaming board on 4chan was /tg/, would be great to have a space for board/war/card/parlor gaming
I'm on a retina display that's not farther than 30cm from my eyes, and I still have a hard time reading the content in this site. I wish websites used bigger font size on average.
Maybe a wasm client over veilid network? It will be a blast. Centralized web is dead.
I'm spending about 10 hours a week for last 2 years for field studies. I'm finishing quantum physics with fotons by lvovsky and the I got another one on symmetries. Lvovsky book is dense with exercises which is a good thing to validate understanding. After symmetries when I got lie groups I'm to ope...
Looks like 4chan with no images which is a good thing. Is this thing open source?
My personal favorite album is In Rainbows by Radiohead. I love the raw feel of tracks like all i need and Jigsaws falling into place.
I am sorry for the borderline spam at this point, but I have one last round of suggestions for the website today. first, when entering text, I find the box too small for larger posts. It covers three lines of text at most, and when writing longer posts, I find myself scrolling up and down constantly...
I am curious about how far the tripcode system works. I have a few dumb questions to ask which will help me understand how to give feedback on the system. First off, are username/password combos unique? From my limited reading on the system, it appears that the same tripcode username can be used...
I am sorry to keep spamming suggestions, but as well as a new posts display, it would be cool to have a display showing posts with the most recent replies. This would allow for people to join in active discussions, no matter how old the original post is.
I want to do so much in life Like Learn music instrument, Start small business Start some social movement Work out daily Learn cooking Be more spiritual And many more But I've so many responsibilities to take care of like 9hrs night shift job Less sleep and less quality sleep Les...